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Indented Trees

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Indented trees are widely-used to represent file systems, among other applications. Although indented trees require much vertical space and do not easily facilitate multiscale inference, they do allow efficient interactive exploration of the tree to find a specific node.

In addition, the indent layout allows rapid scanning of node labels, and multivariate data such as file size can be displayed adjacent to the hierarchy. Click on package nodes to expand and collapse the descendants.

Next: Circle Packing


    <title>Indented Tree</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ex.css"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../protovis-d3.2.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="flare.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript+protovis">

var root = pv.dom(flare)
    .sort(function(a, b) pv.naturalOrder(a.nodeName, b.nodeName));

/* Recursively compute the package sizes. */
root.visitAfter(function(n) {
  if (n.firstChild) {
    n.nodeValue = pv.sum(n.childNodes, function(n) n.nodeValue);

var vis = new pv.Panel()
    .height(function() (root.nodes().length + 1) * 12)

var layout = vis.add(pv.Layout.Indent)
    .nodes(function() root.nodes())


var node = layout.node.add(pv.Panel)
    .top(function(n) n.y - 6)
    .event("mousedown", toggle);

    .fillStyle(function(n) n.toggled ? "#1f77b4" : n.firstChild ? "#aec7e8" : "#ff7f0e")
    .title(function t(d) d.parentNode ? (t(d.parentNode) + "." + d.nodeName) : d.nodeName)
    .text(function(n) n.nodeName);

    .textStyle(function(n) n.firstChild || n.toggled ? "#aaa" : "#000")
    .text(function(n) (n.nodeValue >> 10) + "KB");


/* Toggles the selected node, then updates the layout. */
function toggle(n) {
  return layout.reset().root;



var flare = {
  analytics: {
    cluster: {
      AgglomerativeCluster: 3938,
      CommunityStructure: 3812,
      HierarchicalCluster: 6714,
      MergeEdge: 743
    graph: {
      BetweennessCentrality: 3534,
      LinkDistance: 5731,
      MaxFlowMinCut: 7840,
      ShortestPaths: 5914,
      SpanningTree: 3416
    optimization: {
      AspectRatioBanker: 7074
  animate: {
    Easing: 17010,
    FunctionSequence: 5842,
    interpolate: {
      ArrayInterpolator: 1983,
      ColorInterpolator: 2047,
      DateInterpolator: 1375,
      Interpolator: 8746,
      MatrixInterpolator: 2202,
      NumberInterpolator: 1382,
      ObjectInterpolator: 1629,
      PointInterpolator: 1675,
      RectangleInterpolator: 2042
    ISchedulable: 1041,
    Parallel: 5176,
    Pause: 449,
    Scheduler: 5593,
    Sequence: 5534,
    Transition: 9201,
    Transitioner: 19975,
    TransitionEvent: 1116,
    Tween: 6006
  data: {
    converters: {
      Converters: 721,
      DelimitedTextConverter: 4294,
      GraphMLConverter: 9800,
      IDataConverter: 1314,
      JSONConverter: 2220
    DataField: 1759,
    DataSchema: 2165,
    DataSet: 586,
    DataSource: 3331,
    DataTable: 772,
    DataUtil: 3322
  display: {
    DirtySprite: 8833,
    LineSprite: 1732,
    RectSprite: 3623,
    TextSprite: 10066
  flex: {
    FlareVis: 4116
  physics: {
    DragForce: 1082,
    GravityForce: 1336,
    IForce: 319,
    NBodyForce: 10498,
    Particle: 2822,
    Simulation: 9983,
    Spring: 2213,
    SpringForce: 1681
  query: {
    AggregateExpression: 1616,
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    Arithmetic: 3891,
    Average: 891,
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    Comparison: 5103,
    CompositeExpression: 3677,
    Count: 781,
    DateUtil: 4141,
    Distinct: 933,
    Expression: 5130,
    ExpressionIterator: 3617,
    Fn: 3240,
    If: 2732,
    IsA: 2039,
    Literal: 1214,
    Match: 3748,
    Maximum: 843,
    methods: {
      add: 593,
      and: 330,
      average: 287,
      count: 277,
      distinct: 292,
      div: 595,
      eq: 594,
      fn: 460,
      gt: 603,
      gte: 625,
      iff: 748,
      isa: 461,
      lt: 597,
      lte: 619,
      max: 283,
      min: 283,
      mod: 591,
      mul: 603,
      neq: 599,
      not: 386,
      or: 323,
      orderby: 307,
      range: 772,
      select: 296,
      stddev: 363,
      sub: 600,
      sum: 280,
      update: 307,
      variance: 335,
      where: 299,
      xor: 354,
      _: 264
    Minimum: 843,
    Not: 1554,
    Or: 970,
    Query: 13896,
    Range: 1594,
    StringUtil: 4130,
    Sum: 791,
    Variable: 1124,
    Variance: 1876,
    Xor: 1101
  scale: {
    IScaleMap: 2105,
    LinearScale: 1316,
    LogScale: 3151,
    OrdinalScale: 3770,
    QuantileScale: 2435,
    QuantitativeScale: 4839,
    RootScale: 1756,
    Scale: 4268,
    ScaleType: 1821,
    TimeScale: 5833
  util: {
    Arrays: 8258,
    Colors: 10001,
    Dates: 8217,
    Displays: 12555,
    Filter: 2324,
    Geometry: 10993,
    heap: {
      FibonacciHeap: 9354,
      HeapNode: 1233
    IEvaluable: 335,
    IPredicate: 383,
    IValueProxy: 874,
    math: {
      DenseMatrix: 3165,
      IMatrix: 2815,
      SparseMatrix: 3366
    Maths: 17705,
    Orientation: 1486,
    palette: {
      ColorPalette: 6367,
      Palette: 1229,
      ShapePalette: 2059,
      SizePalette: 2291
    Property: 5559,
    Shapes: 19118,
    Sort: 6887,
    Stats: 6557,
    Strings: 22026
  vis: {
    axis: {
      Axes: 1302,
      Axis: 24593,
      AxisGridLine: 652,
      AxisLabel: 636,
      CartesianAxes: 6703
    controls: {
      AnchorControl: 2138,
      ClickControl: 3824,
      Control: 1353,
      ControlList: 4665,
      DragControl: 2649,
      ExpandControl: 2832,
      HoverControl: 4896,
      IControl: 763,
      PanZoomControl: 5222,
      SelectionControl: 7862,
      TooltipControl: 8435
    data: {
      Data: 20544,
      DataList: 19788,
      DataSprite: 10349,
      EdgeSprite: 3301,
      NodeSprite: 19382,
      render: {
        ArrowType: 698,
        EdgeRenderer: 5569,
        IRenderer: 353,
        ShapeRenderer: 2247
      ScaleBinding: 11275,
      Tree: 7147,
      TreeBuilder: 9930
    events: {
      DataEvent: 2313,
      SelectionEvent: 1880,
      TooltipEvent: 1701,
      VisualizationEvent: 1117
    legend: {
      Legend: 20859,
      LegendItem: 4614,
      LegendRange: 10530
    operator: {
      distortion: {
        BifocalDistortion: 4461,
        Distortion: 6314,
        FisheyeDistortion: 3444
      encoder: {
        ColorEncoder: 3179,
        Encoder: 4060,
        PropertyEncoder: 4138,
        ShapeEncoder: 1690,
        SizeEncoder: 1830
      filter: {
        FisheyeTreeFilter: 5219,
        GraphDistanceFilter: 3165,
        VisibilityFilter: 3509
      IOperator: 1286,
      label: {
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        RadialLabeler: 3899,
        StackedAreaLabeler: 3202
      layout: {
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        BundledEdgeRouter: 3727,
        CircleLayout: 9317,
        CirclePackingLayout: 12003,
        DendrogramLayout: 4853,
        ForceDirectedLayout: 8411,
        IcicleTreeLayout: 4864,
        IndentedTreeLayout: 3174,
        Layout: 7881,
        NodeLinkTreeLayout: 12870,
        PieLayout: 2728,
        RadialTreeLayout: 12348,
        RandomLayout: 870,
        StackedAreaLayout: 9121,
        TreeMapLayout: 9191
      Operator: 2490,
      OperatorList: 5248,
      OperatorSequence: 4190,
      OperatorSwitch: 2581,
      SortOperator: 2023
    Visualization: 16540
Copyright 2010 Stanford Visualization Group