A matrix of scatterplots is well-suited to visualize Edgar Anderson’s data on Iris flowers in the Gaspé Peninsula. Here we can easily see how the three species of Iris cluster in any two dimensions: sepal width, sepal length, petal width and petal length. Iris setosa is shown with a red dot, versicolor in green and virginica in blue. Note that some of the data points overlap; alpha blending improves perceptibility of colocated dots.
This style of chart is modeled after R’s pairs plot. This example is extended to demonstrate brushing + linking.
Next: Becker’s Barley
<title>Anderson’s Flowers</title>
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#fig {
width: 680px;
height: 705px;
<body><div id="center"><div id="fig">
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/* Size parameters. */
var size = 150,
padding = 20;
/* Scales for color and position. */
var color = pv.colors(
"rgba(50%, 0%, 0%, .5)",
"rgba(0%, 50%, 0%, .5)",
"rgba(0%, 0%, 50%, .5)");
position = pv.dict(traits, function(t)
pv.Scale.linear(flowers, function(d) d[t])
.range(0, size));
/* Root panel. */
var vis = new pv.Panel()
.width((size + padding) * traits.length)
.height((size + padding) * traits.length + padding)
/* One cell per trait pair. */
var cell = vis.add(pv.Panel)
.top(function() this.index * (size + padding) + padding / 2)
.data(function(y) traits.map(function(x) ({px:x, py:y})))
.left(function() this.index * (size + padding) + padding / 2)
/* Framed dot plots not along the diagonal. */
var plot = cell.add(pv.Panel)
.visible(function(t) t.px != t.py)
/* X-axis ticks. */
var xtick = plot.add(pv.Rule)
.data(function(t) position[t.px].ticks(5))
.left(function(d, t) position[t.px](d))
/* Bottom label. */
.visible(function() (cell.parent.index == traits.length - 1) && !(cell.index & 1))
.text(function(d, t) position[t.px].tickFormat(d));
/* Top label. */
.visible(function() (cell.parent.index == 0) && (cell.index & 1))
.text(function(d, t) position[t.px].tickFormat(d));
/* Y-axis ticks. */
var ytick = plot.add(pv.Rule)
.data(function(t) position[t.py].ticks(5))
.bottom(function(d, t) position[t.py](d))
/* Left label. */
.visible(function() (cell.index == 0) && (cell.parent.index & 1))
.text(function(d, t) position[t.py].tickFormat(d));
/* Right label. */
.visible(function() (cell.index == traits.length - 1) && !(cell.parent.index & 1))
.text(function(d, t) position[t.py].tickFormat(d));
/* Frame and dot plot. */
.left(function(d, t) position[t.px](d[t.px]))
.bottom(function(d, t) position[t.py](d[t.py]))
.fillStyle(function(d) color(d.species));
/* Labels along the diagonal. */
.visible(function(t) t.px == t.py)
.font("bold 14px sans-serif")
.text(function(t) t.px.replace(/([WL])/, " $1").toLowerCase());
/* Legend. */
.left(function() 15 + this.index * 65)
var species = ["setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"];
var traits = ["sepalLength", "sepalWidth", "petalLength", "petalWidth"];
var flowers = [
{sepalLength: 5.1, sepalWidth: 3.5, petalLength: 1.4, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.9, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 1.4, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.7, sepalWidth: 3.2, petalLength: 1.3, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.6, sepalWidth: 3.1, petalLength: 1.5, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.0, sepalWidth: 3.6, petalLength: 1.4, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.4, sepalWidth: 3.9, petalLength: 1.7, petalWidth: 0.4, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.6, sepalWidth: 3.4, petalLength: 1.4, petalWidth: 0.3, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.0, sepalWidth: 3.4, petalLength: 1.5, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.4, sepalWidth: 2.9, petalLength: 1.4, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.9, sepalWidth: 3.1, petalLength: 1.5, petalWidth: 0.1, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.4, sepalWidth: 3.7, petalLength: 1.5, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.8, sepalWidth: 3.4, petalLength: 1.6, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.8, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 1.4, petalWidth: 0.1, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.3, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 1.1, petalWidth: 0.1, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.8, sepalWidth: 4.0, petalLength: 1.2, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.7, sepalWidth: 4.4, petalLength: 1.5, petalWidth: 0.4, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.4, sepalWidth: 3.9, petalLength: 1.3, petalWidth: 0.4, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.1, sepalWidth: 3.5, petalLength: 1.4, petalWidth: 0.3, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.7, sepalWidth: 3.8, petalLength: 1.7, petalWidth: 0.3, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.1, sepalWidth: 3.8, petalLength: 1.5, petalWidth: 0.3, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.4, sepalWidth: 3.4, petalLength: 1.7, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.1, sepalWidth: 3.7, petalLength: 1.5, petalWidth: 0.4, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.6, sepalWidth: 3.6, petalLength: 1.0, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.1, sepalWidth: 3.3, petalLength: 1.7, petalWidth: 0.5, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.8, sepalWidth: 3.4, petalLength: 1.9, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.0, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 1.6, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.0, sepalWidth: 3.4, petalLength: 1.6, petalWidth: 0.4, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.2, sepalWidth: 3.5, petalLength: 1.5, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.2, sepalWidth: 3.4, petalLength: 1.4, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.7, sepalWidth: 3.2, petalLength: 1.6, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.8, sepalWidth: 3.1, petalLength: 1.6, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.4, sepalWidth: 3.4, petalLength: 1.5, petalWidth: 0.4, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.2, sepalWidth: 4.1, petalLength: 1.5, petalWidth: 0.1, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.5, sepalWidth: 4.2, petalLength: 1.4, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.9, sepalWidth: 3.1, petalLength: 1.5, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.0, sepalWidth: 3.2, petalLength: 1.2, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.5, sepalWidth: 3.5, petalLength: 1.3, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.9, sepalWidth: 3.6, petalLength: 1.4, petalWidth: 0.1, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.4, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 1.3, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.1, sepalWidth: 3.4, petalLength: 1.5, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.0, sepalWidth: 3.5, petalLength: 1.3, petalWidth: 0.3, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.5, sepalWidth: 2.3, petalLength: 1.3, petalWidth: 0.3, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.4, sepalWidth: 3.2, petalLength: 1.3, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.0, sepalWidth: 3.5, petalLength: 1.6, petalWidth: 0.6, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.1, sepalWidth: 3.8, petalLength: 1.9, petalWidth: 0.4, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.8, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 1.4, petalWidth: 0.3, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.1, sepalWidth: 3.8, petalLength: 1.6, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 4.6, sepalWidth: 3.2, petalLength: 1.4, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.3, sepalWidth: 3.7, petalLength: 1.5, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 5.0, sepalWidth: 3.3, petalLength: 1.4, petalWidth: 0.2, species: "setosa"},
{sepalLength: 7.0, sepalWidth: 3.2, petalLength: 4.7, petalWidth: 1.4, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.4, sepalWidth: 3.2, petalLength: 4.5, petalWidth: 1.5, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.9, sepalWidth: 3.1, petalLength: 4.9, petalWidth: 1.5, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.5, sepalWidth: 2.3, petalLength: 4.0, petalWidth: 1.3, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.5, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 4.6, petalWidth: 1.5, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.7, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 4.5, petalWidth: 1.3, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.3, sepalWidth: 3.3, petalLength: 4.7, petalWidth: 1.6, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 4.9, sepalWidth: 2.4, petalLength: 3.3, petalWidth: 1.0, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.6, sepalWidth: 2.9, petalLength: 4.6, petalWidth: 1.3, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.2, sepalWidth: 2.7, petalLength: 3.9, petalWidth: 1.4, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.0, sepalWidth: 2.0, petalLength: 3.5, petalWidth: 1.0, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.9, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 4.2, petalWidth: 1.5, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.0, sepalWidth: 2.2, petalLength: 4.0, petalWidth: 1.0, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.1, sepalWidth: 2.9, petalLength: 4.7, petalWidth: 1.4, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.6, sepalWidth: 2.9, petalLength: 3.6, petalWidth: 1.3, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.7, sepalWidth: 3.1, petalLength: 4.4, petalWidth: 1.4, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.6, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 4.5, petalWidth: 1.5, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.8, sepalWidth: 2.7, petalLength: 4.1, petalWidth: 1.0, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.2, sepalWidth: 2.2, petalLength: 4.5, petalWidth: 1.5, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.6, sepalWidth: 2.5, petalLength: 3.9, petalWidth: 1.1, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.9, sepalWidth: 3.2, petalLength: 4.8, petalWidth: 1.8, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.1, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 4.0, petalWidth: 1.3, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.3, sepalWidth: 2.5, petalLength: 4.9, petalWidth: 1.5, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.1, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 4.7, petalWidth: 1.2, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.4, sepalWidth: 2.9, petalLength: 4.3, petalWidth: 1.3, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.6, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 4.4, petalWidth: 1.4, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.8, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 4.8, petalWidth: 1.4, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.7, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 5.0, petalWidth: 1.7, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.0, sepalWidth: 2.9, petalLength: 4.5, petalWidth: 1.5, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.7, sepalWidth: 2.6, petalLength: 3.5, petalWidth: 1.0, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.5, sepalWidth: 2.4, petalLength: 3.8, petalWidth: 1.1, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.5, sepalWidth: 2.4, petalLength: 3.7, petalWidth: 1.0, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.8, sepalWidth: 2.7, petalLength: 3.9, petalWidth: 1.2, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.0, sepalWidth: 2.7, petalLength: 5.1, petalWidth: 1.6, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.4, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 4.5, petalWidth: 1.5, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.0, sepalWidth: 3.4, petalLength: 4.5, petalWidth: 1.6, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.7, sepalWidth: 3.1, petalLength: 4.7, petalWidth: 1.5, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.3, sepalWidth: 2.3, petalLength: 4.4, petalWidth: 1.3, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.6, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 4.1, petalWidth: 1.3, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.5, sepalWidth: 2.5, petalLength: 4.0, petalWidth: 1.3, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.5, sepalWidth: 2.6, petalLength: 4.4, petalWidth: 1.2, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.1, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 4.6, petalWidth: 1.4, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.8, sepalWidth: 2.6, petalLength: 4.0, petalWidth: 1.2, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.0, sepalWidth: 2.3, petalLength: 3.3, petalWidth: 1.0, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.6, sepalWidth: 2.7, petalLength: 4.2, petalWidth: 1.3, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.7, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 4.2, petalWidth: 1.2, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.7, sepalWidth: 2.9, petalLength: 4.2, petalWidth: 1.3, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.2, sepalWidth: 2.9, petalLength: 4.3, petalWidth: 1.3, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.1, sepalWidth: 2.5, petalLength: 3.0, petalWidth: 1.1, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 5.7, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 4.1, petalWidth: 1.3, species: "versicolor"},
{sepalLength: 6.3, sepalWidth: 3.3, petalLength: 6.0, petalWidth: 2.5, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 5.8, sepalWidth: 2.7, petalLength: 5.1, petalWidth: 1.9, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 7.1, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 5.9, petalWidth: 2.1, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.3, sepalWidth: 2.9, petalLength: 5.6, petalWidth: 1.8, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.5, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 5.8, petalWidth: 2.2, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 7.6, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 6.6, petalWidth: 2.1, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 4.9, sepalWidth: 2.5, petalLength: 4.5, petalWidth: 1.7, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 7.3, sepalWidth: 2.9, petalLength: 6.3, petalWidth: 1.8, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.7, sepalWidth: 2.5, petalLength: 5.8, petalWidth: 1.8, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 7.2, sepalWidth: 3.6, petalLength: 6.1, petalWidth: 2.5, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.5, sepalWidth: 3.2, petalLength: 5.1, petalWidth: 2.0, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.4, sepalWidth: 2.7, petalLength: 5.3, petalWidth: 1.9, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.8, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 5.5, petalWidth: 2.1, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 5.7, sepalWidth: 2.5, petalLength: 5.0, petalWidth: 2.0, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 5.8, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 5.1, petalWidth: 2.4, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.4, sepalWidth: 3.2, petalLength: 5.3, petalWidth: 2.3, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.5, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 5.5, petalWidth: 1.8, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 7.7, sepalWidth: 3.8, petalLength: 6.7, petalWidth: 2.2, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 7.7, sepalWidth: 2.6, petalLength: 6.9, petalWidth: 2.3, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.0, sepalWidth: 2.2, petalLength: 5.0, petalWidth: 1.5, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.9, sepalWidth: 3.2, petalLength: 5.7, petalWidth: 2.3, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 5.6, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 4.9, petalWidth: 2.0, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 7.7, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 6.7, petalWidth: 2.0, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.3, sepalWidth: 2.7, petalLength: 4.9, petalWidth: 1.8, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.7, sepalWidth: 3.3, petalLength: 5.7, petalWidth: 2.1, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 7.2, sepalWidth: 3.2, petalLength: 6.0, petalWidth: 1.8, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.2, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 4.8, petalWidth: 1.8, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.1, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 4.9, petalWidth: 1.8, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.4, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 5.6, petalWidth: 2.1, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 7.2, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 5.8, petalWidth: 1.6, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 7.4, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 6.1, petalWidth: 1.9, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 7.9, sepalWidth: 3.8, petalLength: 6.4, petalWidth: 2.0, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.4, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 5.6, petalWidth: 2.2, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.3, sepalWidth: 2.8, petalLength: 5.1, petalWidth: 1.5, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.1, sepalWidth: 2.6, petalLength: 5.6, petalWidth: 1.4, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 7.7, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 6.1, petalWidth: 2.3, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.3, sepalWidth: 3.4, petalLength: 5.6, petalWidth: 2.4, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.4, sepalWidth: 3.1, petalLength: 5.5, petalWidth: 1.8, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.0, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 4.8, petalWidth: 1.8, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.9, sepalWidth: 3.1, petalLength: 5.4, petalWidth: 2.1, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.7, sepalWidth: 3.1, petalLength: 5.6, petalWidth: 2.4, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.9, sepalWidth: 3.1, petalLength: 5.1, petalWidth: 2.3, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 5.8, sepalWidth: 2.7, petalLength: 5.1, petalWidth: 1.9, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.8, sepalWidth: 3.2, petalLength: 5.9, petalWidth: 2.3, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.7, sepalWidth: 3.3, petalLength: 5.7, petalWidth: 2.5, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.7, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 5.2, petalWidth: 2.3, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.3, sepalWidth: 2.5, petalLength: 5.0, petalWidth: 1.9, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.5, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 5.2, petalWidth: 2.0, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 6.2, sepalWidth: 3.4, petalLength: 5.4, petalWidth: 2.3, species: "virginica"},
{sepalLength: 5.9, sepalWidth: 3.0, petalLength: 5.1, petalWidth: 1.8, species: "virginica"}