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Job Voyager

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This visualization is a port of the Flare Job Voyager, which was in turn inspired by the Name Voyager:

This visualization shows stacked time series of reported occupations in the United States Labor Force from 1850-2000. The data has been normalized: for each census year, the percentage of the polled labor force in each occupation is shown. The data is originally from the United States Census Bureau and was provided by the University of Minnesota Population Center (ipums.org).

Men are shown in blue; women in red. This version allows you to enter regular expressions as search patterns. For example, you can view the transition from locomotives to automobiles, or compare jobs ending in "ist", "er", "ess" and "or"!

Next: Minnesota Employment


    <title>Job Voyager</title>
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="ex.css?3.2"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../protovis-r3.2.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jobs.js"></script>
    <style type="text/css">

#fig {
  width: 860px;
  height: 580px;

#footer {
  font: 24pt helvetica neue;
  padding-left: 40px;
  color: #666;

#footer input {
  font: 24pt helvetica neue;
  background: none;
  border: none;
  outline: 0;

    <div id="center"><div id="fig">
    <div style="text-align:right;padding-right:20;">
      <input type="radio" name="gender" id="men" onchange="update(gender = 1);"
      ><label for="men">Men</label>
      <input type="radio" name="gender" id="women" onchange="update(gender = 2);"
      ><label for="women">Women</label>
      <input type="radio" name="gender" id="any" checked onchange="update(gender = 0);"
      ><label for="any">Any</label>
    <script type="text/javascript+protovis">

/* Interaction state. */
var gender = 0,
    re = "";

/* Flatten the tree into an array to faciliate transformation. */
var jobs = pv.flatten(jobs)
    .key("gender", function(g) (g == "men") ? 1 : 2)
    .key("year", function(i) years[i])

 * Use per-year sums to normalize the data, so we can compute a
 * percentage. Use per-gender+job sums to determine a saturation encoding.
var sumByYear = pv.nest(jobs)
    .key(function(d) d.year)
    .rollup(function(v) pv.sum(v, function(d) d.people)),
  sumByJob = pv.nest(jobs)
    .key(function(d) d.gender + d.job)
    .rollup(function(v) pv.sum(v, function(d) d.people));

/* Cache the percentage of people employed per year. */
jobs.forEach(function(d) d.percent = 100 * d.people / sumByYear[d.year]);

/* Sizing parameters and scales. */
var w = 800,
    h = 480,
    x = pv.Scale.linear(1850, 2000).range(0, w),
    y = pv.Scale.linear(0, 100).range(0, h),
    color = pv.Scale.ordinal(1, 2).range("#33f", "#f33"),
    alpha = pv.Scale.linear(pv.values(sumByJob)).range(.4, .8);

/* The root panel. */
var vis = new pv.Panel()

/* A background bar to reset the search query.  */
    .event("click", function() search(""))

/* Y-axis ticks and labels. */
    .data(function() y.ticks())
    .strokeStyle(function(y) y ? "#ccc" : "#000")
    .text(function(d) y.tickFormat(d) + "%");

/* Stack layout. */
var area = vis.add(pv.Layout.Stack)
    .layers(function() pv.nest(jobs.filter(test))
        .key(function(d) d.gender + d.job)
        .sortKeys(function(a, b) pv.reverseOrder(a.substring(1), b.substring(1)))
    .values(function(d) d.values)
    .x(function(d) x(d.year))
    .y(function(d) y(d.percent))
    .def("alpha", function(d) alpha(sumByJob[d.key]))
    .fillStyle(function(d) color(d.gender).alpha(this.alpha()))
    .event("mouseover", function(d) this.alpha(1).title(d.job))
    .event("mouseout", function(d) this.alpha(null))
    .event("click", function(d) search("^" + d.job + "$"));

/* Stack labels. */
    .def("max", function(d) pv.max.index(d.values, function(d) d.percent))
    .visible(function() this.index == this.max())
    .font(function(d) Math.round(5 + Math.sqrt(y(d.percent))) + "px sans-serif")
    .textStyle(function(d) "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + (Math.sqrt(y(d.percent)) / 7) + ")")
    .textAlign(function() this.index < 5 ? "left" : "right")
    .text(function(d, p) p.key.substring(1));

/* X-axis ticks and labels. */
    .data(pv.range(1850, 2010, 10))

/* Update the query regular expression when text is entered. */
function search(text) {
  if (text != re) {
    if (query.value != text) {
      query.value = text;
    re = new RegExp(text, "i");

/* Tests to see whether the specified datum matches the current filters. */
function test(d) {
  return (!gender || d.gender == gender) && d.job.match(re);

/* Recompute the y-scale domain based on query filtering. */
function update() {
  y.domain(0, Math.min(100, pv.max(pv.values(pv.nest(jobs.filter(test))
      .key(function(d) d.year)
      .rollup(function(v) pv.sum(v, function(d) d.percent))))));


    <div id="footer">
      <label for="query">search: </label>
      <input id="query" type="text" onkeyup="search(this.value);">


Due to size, the data file is omitted from this example. See jobs.js.
Copyright 2010 Stanford Visualization Group