A sunburst is an adjacency diagram: a space-filling variant of the node-link diagram. Rather than drawing a link between parent and child in the hierarchy, nodes are drawn as solid areas (either wedges or bars), and their placement relative to adjacent nodes reveals their position in the hierarchy. Because the nodes are now space-filling, we can use an angle encoding for the size of software classes and packages. This reveals an additional dimension that would be difficult to show in a node-link diagram.
Next: Icicles
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ex.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../protovis-r3.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="flare.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
#fig {
width: 900px;
margin-top: 5px;
height: 840px;
text-align: center;
<body><div id="center"><div id="fig">
<script type="text/javascript+protovis">
var vis = new pv.Panel()
var partition = vis.add(pv.Layout.Partition.Fill)
.size(function(d) d.nodeValue)
.fillStyle(pv.Colors.category19().by(function(d) d.parentNode && d.parentNode.nodeName))
.visible(function(d) d.angle * d.outerRadius >= 6);
/* Update the layout's size method and re-render. */
function update(method) {
switch (method) {
case "byte": partition.size(function(d) d.nodeValue); break;
case "file": partition.size(function(d) d.firstChild ? 0 : 1); break;
<br><b>Size:</b> <select id="menu" onchange="update(this.value)">
<option value="byte" selected>bytes</option>
<option value="file">files</option>
var flare = {
analytics: {
cluster: {
AgglomerativeCluster: 3938,
CommunityStructure: 3812,
HierarchicalCluster: 6714,
MergeEdge: 743
graph: {
BetweennessCentrality: 3534,
LinkDistance: 5731,
MaxFlowMinCut: 7840,
ShortestPaths: 5914,
SpanningTree: 3416
optimization: {
AspectRatioBanker: 7074
animate: {
Easing: 17010,
FunctionSequence: 5842,
interpolate: {
ArrayInterpolator: 1983,
ColorInterpolator: 2047,
DateInterpolator: 1375,
Interpolator: 8746,
MatrixInterpolator: 2202,
NumberInterpolator: 1382,
ObjectInterpolator: 1629,
PointInterpolator: 1675,
RectangleInterpolator: 2042
ISchedulable: 1041,
Parallel: 5176,
Pause: 449,
Scheduler: 5593,
Sequence: 5534,
Transition: 9201,
Transitioner: 19975,
TransitionEvent: 1116,
Tween: 6006
data: {
converters: {
Converters: 721,
DelimitedTextConverter: 4294,
GraphMLConverter: 9800,
IDataConverter: 1314,
JSONConverter: 2220
DataField: 1759,
DataSchema: 2165,
DataSet: 586,
DataSource: 3331,
DataTable: 772,
DataUtil: 3322
display: {
DirtySprite: 8833,
LineSprite: 1732,
RectSprite: 3623,
TextSprite: 10066
flex: {
FlareVis: 4116
physics: {
DragForce: 1082,
GravityForce: 1336,
IForce: 319,
NBodyForce: 10498,
Particle: 2822,
Simulation: 9983,
Spring: 2213,
SpringForce: 1681
query: {
AggregateExpression: 1616,
And: 1027,
Arithmetic: 3891,
Average: 891,
BinaryExpression: 2893,
Comparison: 5103,
CompositeExpression: 3677,
Count: 781,
DateUtil: 4141,
Distinct: 933,
Expression: 5130,
ExpressionIterator: 3617,
Fn: 3240,
If: 2732,
IsA: 2039,
Literal: 1214,
Match: 3748,
Maximum: 843,
methods: {
add: 593,
and: 330,
average: 287,
count: 277,
distinct: 292,
div: 595,
eq: 594,
fn: 460,
gt: 603,
gte: 625,
iff: 748,
isa: 461,
lt: 597,
lte: 619,
max: 283,
min: 283,
mod: 591,
mul: 603,
neq: 599,
not: 386,
or: 323,
orderby: 307,
range: 772,
select: 296,
stddev: 363,
sub: 600,
sum: 280,
update: 307,
variance: 335,
where: 299,
xor: 354,
_: 264
Minimum: 843,
Not: 1554,
Or: 970,
Query: 13896,
Range: 1594,
StringUtil: 4130,
Sum: 791,
Variable: 1124,
Variance: 1876,
Xor: 1101
scale: {
IScaleMap: 2105,
LinearScale: 1316,
LogScale: 3151,
OrdinalScale: 3770,
QuantileScale: 2435,
QuantitativeScale: 4839,
RootScale: 1756,
Scale: 4268,
ScaleType: 1821,
TimeScale: 5833
util: {
Arrays: 8258,
Colors: 10001,
Dates: 8217,
Displays: 12555,
Filter: 2324,
Geometry: 10993,
heap: {
FibonacciHeap: 9354,
HeapNode: 1233
IEvaluable: 335,
IPredicate: 383,
IValueProxy: 874,
math: {
DenseMatrix: 3165,
IMatrix: 2815,
SparseMatrix: 3366
Maths: 17705,
Orientation: 1486,
palette: {
ColorPalette: 6367,
Palette: 1229,
ShapePalette: 2059,
SizePalette: 2291
Property: 5559,
Shapes: 19118,
Sort: 6887,
Stats: 6557,
Strings: 22026
vis: {
axis: {
Axes: 1302,
Axis: 24593,
AxisGridLine: 652,
AxisLabel: 636,
CartesianAxes: 6703
controls: {
AnchorControl: 2138,
ClickControl: 3824,
Control: 1353,
ControlList: 4665,
DragControl: 2649,
ExpandControl: 2832,
HoverControl: 4896,
IControl: 763,
PanZoomControl: 5222,
SelectionControl: 7862,
TooltipControl: 8435
data: {
Data: 20544,
DataList: 19788,
DataSprite: 10349,
EdgeSprite: 3301,
NodeSprite: 19382,
render: {
ArrowType: 698,
EdgeRenderer: 5569,
IRenderer: 353,
ShapeRenderer: 2247
ScaleBinding: 11275,
Tree: 7147,
TreeBuilder: 9930
events: {
DataEvent: 2313,
SelectionEvent: 1880,
TooltipEvent: 1701,
VisualizationEvent: 1117
legend: {
Legend: 20859,
LegendItem: 4614,
LegendRange: 10530
operator: {
distortion: {
BifocalDistortion: 4461,
Distortion: 6314,
FisheyeDistortion: 3444
encoder: {
ColorEncoder: 3179,
Encoder: 4060,
PropertyEncoder: 4138,
ShapeEncoder: 1690,
SizeEncoder: 1830
filter: {
FisheyeTreeFilter: 5219,
GraphDistanceFilter: 3165,
VisibilityFilter: 3509
IOperator: 1286,
label: {
Labeler: 9956,
RadialLabeler: 3899,
StackedAreaLabeler: 3202
layout: {
AxisLayout: 6725,
BundledEdgeRouter: 3727,
CircleLayout: 9317,
CirclePackingLayout: 12003,
DendrogramLayout: 4853,
ForceDirectedLayout: 8411,
IcicleTreeLayout: 4864,
IndentedTreeLayout: 3174,
Layout: 7881,
NodeLinkTreeLayout: 12870,
PieLayout: 2728,
RadialTreeLayout: 12348,
RandomLayout: 870,
StackedAreaLayout: 9121,
TreeMapLayout: 9191
Operator: 2490,
OperatorList: 5248,
OperatorSequence: 4190,
OperatorSwitch: 2581,
SortOperator: 2023
Visualization: 16540